A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose!

Things are as they are, not as they should be!

Life’s Like That


I always ask myself one question, what have I done to evoke this kind of response from him.

Is it fear or hatred?

I was scurrying past him but his ever alert and watchful eyes caught me.

I stood motionless while his breath was suspended.

Seeing that manic look in his eyes, I knew, my end was near.

I screamed for help but who’d hear my pleas. I wanted to curl up into a ball and escape this horror.

Suddenly, he turned and fled into his room as relief washed all over me.

Aah! It’s tough living with an Arachnophobic!*

Linking this to July 2014 Ultimate Blogging Challenge and NaBloPoMo

This month, I plan to share Drabbles on Emotions along with a few book reviews.

*Arachnophobia is an abnormal fear of spiders.

64 Responses

    1. LOL 😀 Same here!! Thanks Seena! When are you getting back to blogging scene?? It’s high time, lady!! 🙂

    1. Gosh!! I dont like lizards too and there is a big fat one with 2 kids currently in my home and I really wish that they just leave through the balcony (or main door! 🙄 ) soon! Fear of lizards or or creepy, crawly things is called Herpetophobia!

  1. Love how you wrote this from the spider’s perspective. I wonder how they must really feel when we run after them slipper in hand.

  2. I never knew about this phobia till now. Is there a specific name for a phobia for lizards? I’m highly phobic to them 🙁
    Okay, so mentally I have substituted the creepy crawly you’ve intended here to talk on behalf of as a lizard, and I can resonate with the whole write up now 😉

    1. Yes, fear of lizards or or creepy, crawly things is called Herpetophobia! I HATE them with the bottom of my heart and I just saw one near the kitchen slab and now I’ll have to wash everything 😥
      LOL 😀 that’s smart 😉

  3. What a coincidence that we both posted about the same subject! 🙂 Not only am I Arachnophobic, but that extends to most other bugs as well. If my husband is home I yell for him, otherwise I just throw something at it, then flee. That was a clever little ditty.

    1. I loved your Boris the Spider song 🙂 It’s the same with me, my husband is the knight in shining armor for me too. Thanks Debbie, glad you liked this piece. 🙂

    1. I know 😆 How these seeming small creatures have terrorized is all. Glad you enjoyed this one, Sreeja 🙂

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