Things are as they are, not as they should be!

Blogadda’s Spicy Pick of the Saturday – Shilpa Garg’s My New Aspiration…A Conversation With My Inner Self

Last night at 1: 15 am* I saw a mail congratulating on my post being selected by BlogAdda as one of the top posts for this week’s ‘Spicy Saturday Picks’. It didn’t register at first!

And when it did, I just couldn’t believe it! And since then I am experiencing a wide range…pretty wide actually…of emotions. From feeling accomplished, awesome, brilliant, bubbly and complete to content, dreamy, excited, fabulous, fired-up, festive, gifted, happy, inspired, joyous, loved, overwhelmed, proud and smiley!:D

Thank You BlogAdda! This is surely encouraging!


And Thank you all guys, Family and Friends; Avid Readers and Occasional Visitors and most importantly FBs! (no, it’s not an error, I didn’t mean BFs but they are the Fellow Bloggers!!)

Hope you all have a great fun time at “A rose is a rose is a rose!” Always!!

PS: * means I am truly addicted coz I checked my mails and now an inseparable part of me, My Blog after a late night party!!

PPS: You may like to check out the BlogAdda announcement. So, please click HERE!

PPPS: You may like to read the Blogadda’s Spicy Pick of the Saturday: My New Aspiration…A Conversation With My Inner Self, so please click HERE AGAIN! ssp

Picture Courtesy:

15 Responses

  1. Congratulations are in order, truly.
    I believe it’s a small step…for a giant leap in the blogosphere!
    Well done and keep it up!

  2. Congrats… Ur post deserve this award….keep ur flow…Get more awards..Who knows your blog might become an inspiration to someone..

  3. Hi Shilpa,
    Hope you are in your full health and high spirits! Actually whatever you are doing is right. Thats the only way to rearrange elements. You will just need to be a little tricky and accurate.

    Now let me give u a picture of the sidepane. You find a dotted rectangle where “Add a gadget” is written. When u click on it and make a new gadget, it comes below and the “Add a gadget” dotted rectangle as it is. Now when you have more than two gadgets, you go to the gadget whose position you want to change. Click and start dragging it to the first position (assuming u want to place it on first position) You will notice that as u move upwards, the gadgets that you fly over will get shifted one place below and they will give you an empty space … when you reach position 1, the gadget that was previously on position 1 will shift below and an empty space will get created . When you are exactly above the empty space, release your button (we were dragging that gadget all the way remember) So your desired gadget will get saved on position 1. Now THE THING IS NOT OVER YET. you need to save this position-change. For that, click the button ‘Save’ which is located a little above. Once you do that, a message will appear tht ‘Changes are saved’ Only after that your changes will get reflected.

    I hope I solved your query.

    Jaladhi Desai

    P.S.: I am unsure as the message I sent you on ur email has been received by u or not so I am replyin here about your query.

  4. Hey..what a wonderful news! Congratulations!

    Sorry for the delay…its so much like me 🙂
    ** Amrit mumbles that he will not be late next time**

    Celebration times!!!

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