Things are as they are, not as they should be!

A Letter to My Future Self

A Letter to My Future Self

Dear Future Me,

First off, congratulations! You made it this far without turning into a complete grump (I hope). If you’re reading this, it means you survived all those plot twists life threw at you… and hopefully, you did so with your humour and a well-stocked stash of cake. So, grab a coffee (I assume that hasn’t changed) and let’s chat.

How’s life treating you? Have you finally mastered the art of waking up early without setting five alarms? Do you still find joy in books, baking cakes and overanalysing life’s smallest moments for inspiration? I really hope you do because those things make you, well, YOU.

Let’s do a quick check-in. Have you remained the optimistic, list-making, people-watching, coffee-loving person I know you to be? Or have you turned into one of those people who walks into a room and forgets why they’re there? (Actually, you already do that, so never mind.)

A Letter to My Future Self

I hope you still laugh at silly jokes and find joy in little things. Remember how much fun it was to observe people especially during those bus and train journeys and make up imaginary backstories for them? Or how satisfying it felt to cross things off your to-do list, even if you added an item just to check it off? (Yes, I know your tricks.)

Tell me, has life been kind? Have you continued embracing challenges with curiosity and grace, turning them into stories worth telling? If things got tough, I hope you handled them the way you always have—with resilience, humour and maybe an extra slice of cake (because some things require more than just deep breathing).

And what about the people in your life? Have you continued making time for those who truly matter? Do your boys still roll their eyes at your life lessons and unsolicited wisdom? Keep annoying them. That’s what love is all about.

Oh and speaking of the boys, how’s Aaryan doing? Is he still dodging your advice or has he finally realized that moms do know everything? Whatever phase he’s in, just keep being his constant. He’ll always need you, even if he pretends otherwise.

And what about blogging? Do you still share your musings, reflections and observations, or has life kept you too busy to type them out? I hope you never stopped writing. You always found magic in words and the world could always use more of your storytelling (even if it’s just your rants about mundane things around you).

Have you turned baking into a business, or are you still collecting recipes, saving them in neatly categorized folders and buying more baking tools than you actually use? (Be honest, the baking dish collection must be getting out of hand by now.)

Hope you have understood that it’s okay to not have it all figured out. Younger-you used to stress about having a plan for everything, but by now, I hope you’ve embraced the chaos. No one really has life figured out—that’s the fun part. Just when you think you do, life throws you a curveball and you’re back at square one. The key is to roll with it, laugh when you can and trust that things will fall into place.

Before I wrap this up, let me leave you with a tiny reminder: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Let go of things that aren’t worth your energy. Keep smiling, keep learning and for heaven’s sake, don’t let anyone tell you you’re too old to dream big.

Take care, future me. You’re doing great. (And if you ever need a little boost, just reread this letter and remind yourself—you’ve always had what it takes.)

With love and a wink,
Your slightly younger, slightly wiser self

Linking this to Dear Her… Letters from Women to Women by Blog-A-Rhythm

Dear Her... Letters from Women to Women by Blog-A-Rhythm

One Response

  1. Oh, I LOVE this letter, Shilpa! There are some bits of your letter that resonated with me, too. I think I’m going to have to write a letter to my future self soon!

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