The concept of book spine poetry appeared in 1993 with Nina Katchadourian’s Sorted Books project. Katchadourian began collecting interesting titles and arranging them in clusters so the spines could be read like a sentence(s) or poem.

I Never Thought I Could Fall in Love…
Two Fates… Twists and Turns
Those Small Lil Things
Table for Two… Love Over Coffee
Vivek and I
Absolutely Nuts
Unexpected Blessings
The Great Indian Love Story
Just Married. Please Excuse… 3’s a Crowd!
82 Responses
Wow! Superb!
Thanks Deeps 🙂
That’s fantastic! I never heard of spine poetry before. I’m going to see what I can make up from my books.
Aha! You must try it out with your books, Clarissa 🙂
Brilliant! Now you have more food for thought for me (typing while scanning the book case 😉
Thanks L. Looking forward now to your poetry with books 🙂
This is so very intelligent…excellent !
Thank you K! Glad you liked it! 🙂
Great Shilpa!! Very imaginanative and captivating!!
Thanks Ma’am 🙂
That is superb ! 😀 😀 😀 😀
Thanks you D 🙂
Its an interesting past time. I am at those whenever I get a chance 🙂
I know, seen a few on Meena’s blog too. In fact I got to know first about SP from her blog! 🙂
i remember,you wrote about this in an earlier post.
No, Mr Chowla, this is a brand new Spine Poetry! 😛
A good story with titles. 🙂
Thanks Indrani 🙂
Spell bound at your creativity!
Awww! You are too generous with words, Asha 🙂
I love your spine poetry posts! 🙂
Glad you like them, DC:)
I made one too sometime back should put it up sometime. 🙂
Cool! Looking forward to see it on your blog soon 🙂
so imaginative Shilpa.. I must try this one day !
You MUST, Ruchira 🙂
Spine poetry for me is the most difficult…
Bt u do it effortlessly…
Wow yaar!
Thanks Satya. Try it, it is not all that difficult! Just keep gazing at the titles, something will always come up! 🙂
Super! and way too cool.
Thank you Janaki 🙂
Awesome Shilpa!! Did not know such a thing before this!! Thanks for the new lesson. 🙂
Happy to enlighten, Naina :))
Again , good idea. I m awed by the creative mind here,
Thank you so much, Anil 🙂
I saw this kinda poetry in some blogs
Interesting and creative
Good day
It sure is! Try it out sometime, Afshan 🙂
Wow – I love how you did that. You must have a great collection of books. You are so clever.
Yes, I have somewhat OK collection of books 🙂
Did u post this on fb. don’t remember seeing it
No, havent posted this one on FB yet. Created this last night! 🙂
Never heard of the concept of spine poetry before.
Good idea. Very thoughtful certainly.
Who says poetry and Shilpa don’t get along? I think this is the beginning of a great friendship.
This is a gaining acceptance and in fact in Bangalore, they had a Book Spine Poetry Contest too recently.
Ah! This is the only ‘poetry’ I know I can ever do…. the Laxmi, Preetilata and Sri Devi kind of poetry is just not my cup of tea! 😀
Lol…superb! Brilliant idea!
Thumbs up!
Thank you so much, Dishit! 🙂
HAHAHA!! F**kin awesome 😀 😀
😀 Glad to send some smiles your way, Priyaa 🙂
You have found a short cut here 😛
But amazing combo of titles!
Shortcut?? Didnt get that!! 😛
Chodo!!! U understood what I was saying 😛
that’s a big one! putting together a whole story in book titles..wow!! cool job! bowled!
Thanks LP. Yeah, for the first time tried with so many books! 🙂
I absolutely love spine poetry and yours one is superb. Greatttttttt! And you say that you and poetry are not made for each other. 😛
Ah! This one is easy… I cant do the way you, Sridevi and Laxmi write. You all are fabulous!
Have you done Spine Poetry on your blog?
never tried spine poetry and actually I am beginning to warm myself to attempting one—- good one shilpa 🙂
You must try it out, Priya 🙂
Your poem is an actual poem 🙂 I have also written a book-spine-poem. Last year I had participated in the National Poetry writing month challenge and a new friend, Chris had introduced me to this art form. I love it and am so glad to see your poem.
Wow! That’s cool. Glad you liked this SP, I loved yours too 🙂
Hat trick Shilpa ! Third innovative post in a row. ‘Hat ke ‘ as they say 🙂
Will try as soon as possible. Thank you for the idea of spine poetry.Loved it !
LOL 😀 Thanks Sharmila. Glad you like the variety served here 😀
You must… looking forward to your poetry with books on your blog! 🙂
You get better and better at this, Shilpa. You know how much I enjoy this.
You did just one SP on your blog, Corinne… waiting for your second Spine Poetry 🙂 Thanks 🙂
wow this one was a very long poetry. Loved it!
Yeah! Managed a long one this time. Thanks A 🙂
Awesome!! I especially lol’ed at the last line!! 😀
I would have never thought to do that. That was fantastic.
Oh yes, you can! Try it out, sometime!
Soo much of books. … Gosh! I’m so jealous. But loved the poetry. 🙂
-Fellow Blogger from A to Z!
LOL 😀 Thanks 🙂
Shilpa, how many times I see this on your blog and think to do at least once with the 5 or 6 books I have…but never tried 🙁
Now, give up on your laziness, Latha! Stand in front of your books and create a magical spine poetry NOW… Am waiting 😀
This is so brilliant Shilpa and err someone said the other day that she’s unable to do poetry 🙂
This one is so juvenile, Sri! You, Preetilata and Laxmi are pro poetesses… I am in awe of all 3 of you!! 😀
Awesome Shilpa.. I came to know about the spine poetry through your blog posts and loved the idea. I have read most of the spine poetry you have posted and loved them.
Thanks Seena. Glad you like the SPs here! When are you trying your SPs ?
This is simply superb! I am dying to try this out.
Do that, Shail… it is so cool and the happiness at the end of arranging the titles is awesome 🙂
You always come up with something special and this one deserves a standing applause 🙂
I too wrote a poem from the title of several blogs though I never knew if I could call it Spine poetry!!
Thanks a lot, Hemant. Glad you like the variety of posts here on this blog!
You did it with books or blog titles??
Absolutely Awesome 🙂
Thank you Jayashree 🙂
Wow… this is something new… Would love to try… Thanks for the idea