Pearson, the world’s leading learning company has launched first-of-its-kind Virtual International K–12 Education in India with International Connections Academy (iNaCA).
Bringing accredited U.S. education directly to your desktop, the iNaCA provides a flexible world-class curriculum for students studying in classes up to class 12. It aims to help students learn in their own way and at their preferred pace through a personalized and engaging experience that includes various multimedia tools such as enhanced videos, social, adaptive and game-based learning.
iNaCA prepares students around the world for post-secondary success. The school has a 100 percent college acceptance rate, with graduates attending elite universities such as Yale, UCLA, and Julliard. iNaCA students outscore their peers across the US on the SAT and ACT college entrance exams, and beat the global average on AP exams.
Vikas Singh, Managing Director, Pearson India, said, “Education is rapidly evolving in India. Personalized learning and real-time analytics have become essential to help in a child’s holistic development. Having recognized these needs, the iNaCA brings an advanced approach to learning that can help maximize the potential of each student. Our unique curriculum, experienced teachers and an immersive global classroom experience are designed to address the challenges faced by a student today and facilitate his/her progress in the best possible manner.”
Vikas added, “iNaCA enrolls students from more than 50 countries around the world, who have multiple opportunities to interact with one another and share details of their culture.”
The virtual school serves well for:
- Personalized academics for students pursuing passion in Sports, Music of the Arts
- Families, both native to India and expats living in India, who are looking for an American K-12 School
- Children who have missed their school admission cycle
- Children with learning differences who are highly gifted or students for whom mobility is limited due to physical disabilities or those who have Attention Deficit Disorder and other special needs
- Accredited School-at-Home Options – Personalised learning environment
“International Connections Academy was created to help ambitious students around the globe to achieve their dreams by providing a personalized, flexible American education wherever they might be,” said Mickey Revenaugh, Co-Founder and General Manager, iNaCA. “We are thrilled to welcome students from India into our innovative International Connections Academy family.”
Know More about INaCA & understand what a virtual school experience is check out this video:
The virtual school setting of the iNaCA enables students in any part of the world to make full use of its unique curriculum. The flexible learning environment puts students in touch with highly-qualified, U.S. licensed teachers who can provide essential guidance and support. The teachers personalize lessons, evaluate student progress and provide feedback and assistance through real-time virtual sessions to offer a targeted support based on student learning.
In line with the vibrant global school community, iNaCA students participate in online special interest clubs and activities from the Robotics Club to Student Newspaper, from the Chess Club to Quiz Bowl – with peers from around the world. This helps students develop extra-curricular skills and develop their personalities beyond the classroom in an international setting. Additionally, the academy offers a U.S. recognized diploma to high-school students, which is accepted by various colleges and universities, including Harvard University, Cornell University, among others.
The last date of enrolment is 15th October, 2017.
About Pearson India
Founded in 1844, Pearson is the world’s learning company, with 35,000 employees across 70 countries worldwide. We have expertise in educational courseware and assessment, and a range of teaching and learning services powered by technology. Our mission is to help people make progress through access to better learning. We believe that learning opens up opportunities, creating fulfilling careers and better lives.
Our unique insight and world-class expertise comes from our long history of working closely with teachers, learners, researchers, authors, and thought leaders. Our products and services are used by millions of teachers and learners around the world every day.
We are organized around three key stages of learning –
- K-12
- Higher education and test preparation and
- Vocational and professional education.
Established in India since 1998, Pearson has introduced its wide range of products and services in educational institutes as well as directly to the learners.
To know more about visit and follow on Facebook and Twitter.
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