“If there is a paradise on the face of the earth, it is here, it is here, it is here!!” Had read and heard about this persian couplet till now, but experienced it only last week. Yes, last weekend we went to explore the valley of Kashmir.
Is it amazing, awesome, breathtaking, exotic, divine? Well, it’s much much more than that!
The chains of snow capped mountains; lush green tall trees on both sides of the road and almost everywhere; clear, icy cold and sparkling water of the rivers; sheep, cows, goats and ponies wandering in the intensely green spring grass are common sights.
Truly, a trip to the valley is a must for everybody!
Captured some of our enchanting moments in the valley.
(PS: Please click on the link and view as slideshow and click on show info!)
2 Responses
It is a really beautiful pic
i think this pic was from jammu & kashmir…
its a great feeling to see this pic…