Things are as they are, not as they should be!

Trust #writebravely #celebratewritetribe


It was well within his reach. He was tempted to pick it. But looked away the next instant.

A small voice grew loud in his head and in a split of a second invaded it.

He stretched his hand and grabbed it hungrily. With a touch of fingertip, he hurriedly though systematically went about accomplishing his mission.

So engrossed he was that he didn’t hear the bathroom door open. Their eyes met. Hers  flashed with anger, his with embarrassment.

With head in his hands and eyes shut tight, he realized trust, like the soul, never returns once it is gone.

I’m Writing Bravely for the Write Tribe Festival of Words – March 2019

Day 6 : One Word Prompt – Trust

31 Responses

    1. Oh yes, you break it once and it is lost forever! All the efforts of years go down the drain in a millisecond, as you said!

  1. Library in the loo? ‘Kindle’ to fondle?. Whatever it is, it sure has broken hearts. Wish he had locked the bathroom door.

  2. Trust is one of the most strongest aspect of relationship. Once it’s lost it can never be gain back. Even if it’s does, it will never be like the early tust. Remember they said “once bitten twice shy.”

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