A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose!

Things are as they are, not as they should be!

It’s Not That Time of the Year Without… #WordsMatter

It’s not that time of the year without… spring cleaning!

It’s that time of the year when my OCD for cleaning reaches an all time high.  Diwali is around the corner and yes, it’s time for spring-cleaning.

I have made a list. Yes, my no work starts without a list. KG saw me preparing this list of things-to-do room-wise. Since he is familiar with my routine which is clean everything single-handedly during the day and cry/crib during the night because of the aches and the pains. He tried to distract me from my mission by saying that our home looks absolutely clean and there isn’t any need for me to waste my energy over mundane things. While, I found his words very endearing, both KG and I knew that he had just wasted his breath!

So since the beginning of this week, I am doing something or the other and ticking off the done things from my list. While sorting the cupboards, I realized that I have so many clothes which I have not worn for years!! Some have sentimental value attached to them, some I believe, I would fit in one day, AGAIN!! While there are some clothes which no longer suit my dressing sensibilities. This time, I let my head rule the heart and let go of a huge pile of clothes. The maid took a few of them and rest have been packed to be given at Mother Teresa Home. I can feel the cupboards breathing a sigh of relief.

This spring cleaning made me realize that there are so many things that I probably own too much! Take for example the bed-sheets… I have so many single bed-sheets with cartoons which were used for Aaryan’s bunk-bed. It’s been years since we disposed off his bunk-bed, and these single bed-sheets have not been used since then, but somehow, I don’t have the heart to let-go of these bed-sheets. It’s sounding so silly as I am typing this. *Rolls eyes*

Another ‘too many’ at our home are tacky useless gifts that we have received from our friends and well wishers!! The vases, the wall clocks, the photo frames, the framed landscapes or pictures of gods… I don’t know, how they keep multiplying in the cupboards!

My books cupboard is overflowing with books but I strongly believe that one can never have too many books.

I also found so many things which I thought I had lost, during this spring cleaning!!

Spring Cleaning

Today, it was time to spend some time in the kitchen. The ‘some time’ lasted for 5 hours!! I was shocked and embarrassed to see the number of plastic takeaway containers of different shapes and sizes, lunch boxes, water bottles, freebies like sippers, plates, spoons and forks, which were occupying huge space in the kitchen cabinets. The cabinets are feeling so light and free as their rarely used occupants have been given to the eager-to-take maids and the kabadiwala who was so happy to find new stuff other than the newspapers from our home. I haven’t figured out though about the odd set of glasses that are adorning the crockery almirah!

The fridge is looking so sparkling clean and organised that I am finding excuses to open and admire it.

My fingers are tired and aching with all that scrubbing and cleaning, but they are so happy to type this post.

KG just came back from work, moments ago and I took him to the kitchen to admire my hard day’s work. He looked around and said, “It looks just the same!!” Aarggghhh! What was I expecting??

Have you started your Diwali cleaning yet? Are you a hoarder or a declutterer?

I received this tag from Jyothi at Shortened Tales. It’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to Anagha Yatin at Canvas With Rainbow. There are 38 of us on this Blog Hop and it will be spread over 3 days – 4th, 5th and 6th October. Do follow the #WordsMatter Blog Hop and prepare to be surprised!



91 Responses

  1. Shilpa this is hugely inspiring.. Hugely. The cleaning happens in my house too but almost everything goes back in where it came from!!! I really need to declutter. When you talk of cupboards breathing sighs of relief I can so visualise it. Need to get going. As for husbands they never ever notice clean houses or weightloss.

    1. I know what you mean, OM! Some things, are taken out every year, (though are never used) and they go back to the same place every year! But have seen that de-cluttering and giving away is very satisfying and therapeutic too.
      And it happened today too… I showed him the changes that I had done in a room and KG couldn’t spot the difference!! 😐 Felt like banging my head 😀

  2. My husband says that the things from the cupboard find their way to the maid or are being discarded.He says that this is not cleaning. The wardrobe and the cabinets are lighter and neater.

  3. It is amazing what a person can find when you decide to do a thorough shake down and clean the house!! Treasures untold can be discovered! Every now and then it is good to purge the house of all the clothes that are no longer regularly worn, and in our case, the toys that are no longer played with. Stuff accumulates at such an alarming rate!! ♥

    1. Agree, if you dont clean up/sort the stuff regularly, you can have big piles of everything… right from papers to clothes… toys…
      I like the feeling of satisfaction after clearing the unwanted/unused stuff! 🙂

  4. Interesting post. I read the “if you haven’t used it or thought about it in a year, then get rid of it.” My luck, after I did that, I would desperately need that within a week.

    1. It happened today, I was standing in a room for a good 10 minutes and didn’t know where to start the process from 😐 Cupboards and drawers are great starting points, I guess 😀

  5. Never, ever ask a man if a room looks different after you’ve spent 12 hours cleaning it. They’ll not see the difference and we’ll end up wanting to bang them on the heads with a cast iron pan!! I know your pain, sometimes I bite off more than I can chew and then I’m left feeling lost and frustrated among piles of junk!!

    1. Agree with that completely!! It is a futile question and the answer to which most likely will evoke feelings to murder etc! 😐

  6. on the same mission…cleaning i mean. Though i have very few things to throw, since i periodically give away all those gifts to the maintenance cleaners and other service providers. What i don’t want to throw and (don’t even use ) are those vegetable choppers, steamers, citrus squeezers, chilli cutters, pop corn makers and knife sharpeners which are looking brand new and never used. All picked from the various consumer exhibitions buckling to smart marketing. So, they go back to the same space and I end up rearranging instead of throwing them out.

    And after cleaning, ditto comment (Like KG’s) i get from the H too.

    1. Aah! The vegetable choppers, steamers, citrus squeezers, chilli cutters, pop corn makers and knife sharpeners… we all have stories about these interesting but never used gadgets! I used to buy these unusual and ‘useful’ gadgets whenever I saw one… but not now! I simply ignore them at exhibitions where they are usually sold! 😀
      Oh! You get similar responses too! *SIGH*

  7. Haha this was a very innovative post. One that I could relate to a lot. I have been married for a little over a year now and I myself have a similar situation back home! I wonder how bad it would get in coming times and take infinite spring cleanings to clear!

    1. LOL 😀 The trick is to have the foresight to know what would be useful and should be kept and what should be simply thrown away! It lessens the burden that way! 🙂

  8. I had to put the cleaning mission on halt for two days as we had guests at home, today they left and now other guests have informed of their arrival in the evening on the phone… I will continue the mission from tomorrow now.

    I haven’t so far found any lost thing this season but yes those take away plastic containers are actually occupying a hell lot of space in our kitchen.

    1. Oh these plastic containers!! How much we love these free ke dabbe!! And this is despite the fact that I have so many Tupperware and other nice containers… big/small/medium! 😛

  9. Enjoyed the post. I also give away Kids clothes every year but the clothes as you mentioned in which we might fit again are really hard to get rid of. May be I will take some inspiration from you. 🙂

    1. While the kid’s clothes are so easy to give, coz we know that they’ll never fit in them again but for our clothes, we have this eternal hope that we will reduce someday and fit in our older clothes someday!! Sigh… that never happens though!

  10. I loved the post…
    I agree too… I have such piles of clothes that I bet would never wear..
    And yeah! Nobody can have too many books!
    Ouch! Its a pity that your dear husband didnt notice your hardwork…
    But what to do? Men cant really notice or observe!

    1. Glad you enjoyed reading this post, Locomente!!
      Giving away is the best thing… it de-clutters the cupboards and gives the motive to buy more too! 😉
      Husbands… well they are just the same everywhere!! 😀

  11. All men are the same! Owing to his ignorance, I’ve become lazy in cleaning up. There is absolutely no one to appreciate the hard work. Or maybe I am just finding excuses 🙂

  12. Aha,first of all,lets not say that husbands don’t appreciate the cleaning up efforts.They do,so silently.
    I know,my daughter does exactly what you are describing.For ages,she has been donating all that stuff to the Blind School.

  13. Declutter the home is top on my priority but, this time I am not going to give myself the Diwali deadline. 🙂 Simply because Diwali is coming too soon!!! and the Diwali holidays start just one day before Diwali! And Husbands seem to be a breed together. I say, “You don’t appreciate me enough” to which the reply in one sentence without emotion is, “I do appreciate you. See, here, I said it again, I appreciate you!” 🙂

    1. Diwali is coming too soon?? 😀
      But yes, take it easy and do it at your pace!
      Husbands… they have the same genetic composition I guess as far as appreciation goes!

  14. Oh am so legging behind in reading all your post. This need to be rectified.:)
    Just reading your post reminds me how terribly am goona miss Diwali preparations. All the spanking and cleaning, giveaways to kabarivala’s and maids, shopping n hopping for diya’s n decor. No doubt it takes a good amount of toll on your muscles n bones but the outcomes always leave you with a satisfactory sigh and a feeling of triumph.

  15. This year I will miss this annual ritual, thanks to the move. Most of our de-cluttering got done when we moved our home 🙂
    But I agree,most men are blind to orderliness at home…

  16. Ha ha my favourite time of the year too. I am supervising my 2 helps in cleaning everything inch-by-inch. But half the time I jump in too because no matter what they do, it does not look good enough. But I have to keep the toddler engaged otherwise he starts climbing up the ladder or cabinets etc. I also believe in decluttering. I like keeping minimum things. I am not really a hoarder but of course, we all have clothes, we wish we would fit in some day…sigh!

    1. Wow!! Lucky you… 2 maids to do all the needful for you! My 2 maids just do the regular work. They dont have time to take up extra work for more money! 🙁 Yeah, the clothes… sigh… wish we could fit in old clothes some day!

  17. Ahhhh spring cleaning. I just have one rule. If I have not used a shirt or pant or anything in the home in the last 6 months, I get rid of them. Either give to Salvation Army or garbage it. My problem is with the spice rack in the kitchen. What do I do with the unopened nutmeg powder packet bought 3 years ago? Things like that.

  18. OK. So I finally have to admit that I too have an OCD. I can identify with each and every word in this post! Especially that last line! With the aches and pains, I dread spring cleaning now, but oh the feeling of accomplishment soon after is out of this world right?

  19. Really, its that time of the year I need to declutter my home and get the cleaning done. surely need a push to get my mailbox cleaned too, I can see thousands of unread mail already.

  20. “It looks all the same” is surely heartbreaking to hear after spending 5 hours cleaning and organising the kitchen. Yes, it is that time of the year when one cannot do without Diwali cleaning which reminds me to atleast organise my cupboards (kitchen and bedroom) and arrange the books in the bookshelf. Somehow Diwali cleaning had completely vanished off my mind this year.

  21. It’s never ending, isn’t it? I’m still getting rid of stuff from my parents’ collection. I have to be brutal about it.

    Our sentiments become someone else’s headache. My Mum lived in dread of passing and having someone else to sort through stuff. She was organized and practical. Dad on the other hand, was a huge collector of articles and magazines and files from way back when.

  22. Oh, Shilpa! This is like a leaf out of my diary! Like you, I too obsess over cleaning and go through exactly the same situations as you do! For once, I know I’m not alone in this and it gives me a reason to smile. Loved your post. 🙂

  23. Men will be men. They wouldn’t notice the difference at all. The best part of cleaning is finding all those things that you thought you’d lost. Your post was so relatable because while cleaning, I often find myself in situations like yours. Enjoyed reading this.

  24. Ha ha ha Shilpa you and KG sound like my mom and dad. She with her cleanliness OCD and he with his ‘It looks the same’ after she has slogged for hours. Of course he has become very canny now and can fake appreciation pretty well :-). I have just shifted so mercifully don’t have much clutter. Diwali cleaning will be easier this year for me.

  25. Oh isnt this the story everywhere Shilpa? 😉

    I seem to be decluttering all the time but damned if the cupboards become empty. Its as if the elves have a hand in sneaking things into the cupboards now.

    Totally with you on this feeling and I have begun with the woolies as they all need to be sunned/cleaned out.

    Hoping to unload some stuff and praying that I dont start buying stuff to make up for it – cheers to your spring cleaning! 🙂

  26. When ever my friends or sisters in law call and ask what I am doing, they get the same answer, “Clutter clearing!” And they keep on asking, “How much clutter do you have?” I have been at it hammer and tongs this year and finally I can see a small ray of light at the end of the tunnel. One surface has remained clutter free for a week!

  27. It was precisely this feeling that led to my falling from a ladder while cleaning the cobwebs. this has completely put paid to my festival season and will have to clean out the cupboards at Spring time . Wishing you a happy festival season .

  28. I am worried about how to comment on this post. The only thing that I don’t like about Diwali is cleaning. But I do little things. I am too lazy so most times I am like ‘What good will that do?’. There is also an advantage. I live in a small house so I end of decluttering all the year round. VT and I still share one cupboard so you can imagine how I keep giving away clothes and stuff that we don’t use. On kitchen front, I am good there. I give away things I don’t use to my two helps and they love it. But yes, I will have to clean some again 😐

  29. Ahh, your post reminds me that I have to also start with my cleaning spree. It is already 5th today and not many days left for Diwali. The scene at my place is also the same with so many things overflowing and not in use. #WordsMatter

  30. Thrilled to bits reading this post. You are my soul-sister of spring-cleaning. It’s not as if I love cleaning but…some’s got to do it, right? Thing is, it’s like a chain reaction, one cleaning leads to another and it seems endless. I totally get that about the aches and pains at the EOD and the better half’s reaction…total classic!

  31. ha ha ha..your post made me so happy..because I found a twin soul..cleaning and de-cluttering that I find the most relaxing thing in the world and I keep searching for excuses to start deep-cleaning. Earlier I used to do deep-cleaning only before Diwali but now I kind of do it all round the year and that leaves me less stressed out during Diwali. I have started following a minimalist lifestyle and got rid of most of my stuff in last one year. I can feel you regarding useless gifts..I recycle them 🙂
    lovely post..hugs from one OCD fellow to another…

  32. Ha ha I can understand your pain Shilpa, when you get a comment “It looks same..” from husband. lovely post and you had inspired to start my cleaning for Diwali. #MBUmomswhoblog

  33. I had OCD until 3 years ago. I have dropped my standards for the time being. Yet the bug keeps reappearing especially during Diwali and I am taking one shelf a day.

    Decluttering feels relaxing to me. More space in cupboards and kitchen.

  34. I believe in the principles of Feng Shui and am constantly decluttering my home and giving away things. Yr post was a good reminder to do away with my unused things to charity or people it will be useful to.

  35. Diwali cleaning should be renamed as offloading since almost every year I have to give away a lot of stuff. I clean up whenever I can so Diwali cleaning isn’t so taxing. Yet, the aches and pains are a part of Diwali festivities.

  36. Diwali time is when we spend maximum time in cleaning the house. It is next to impossible to throw away the thhings. I still cannot throw away some of my sons broken toys because I dont know when he will ask for them and what happens next we all mothers know well.

  37. I am a complete hoarder I must say and I hate Cleaning time as I may have to let go of some pieces those are close to me. Kudos to you for a super cleaning task. We are yet to finish it

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