Things are as they are, not as they should be!



The past has no power and no hold over me anymore.

I know, things don’t go as per plan always, but I refuse to give up. After all, I haven’t tried all possible ways.

I know everything will work out well in the end, like they say, if it doesn’t, then it is not the end.

My thoughts are my reality and I am going to fill them with hope and joy.

I am going to love myself again and I will make the right choices.

Yes, I will do all this from tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day.

Linking this to July 2014 Ultimate Blogging Challenge and NaBloPoMo

43 Responses

  1. Positive and uplifting. Loved your post. So many awesome lines but – the past has no power and no hold over me any more is powerful.

  2. Its really sad that sometimes we do not understand the value of the time on hand and put off thing for tomorrow…of course tomorrow is another day, but there is no guarantee that we will pull up ourselves after we wake up from the slumber….

    1. My point exactly. Why put off till tomorrow, when you are so inspired and charged up! Do It NOW, should be the mantra, I believe.

  3. Tomorrow is another day…very true. We need to let go of the past and think positive. Liked your strong post.

  4. YES FOR SUREEEEEEEEEEEE…. tomorrow is indeed another day.

    I loved this post as it tells me something that I shud read and listen and adhere to in my current state …


  5. Yes, we do not have a hold on the past, but we can definitely control our present to mold our future. Beautiful thoughts Shilpa. Positive and inspirational.

    1. And that’s such a powerful and a motivating thought… gives so much of peace and confidence. Thanks Debbie 🙂

  6. ” I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow. After all tomorrow is another day”.. my favourite quote!!! Good one, again Shilpa 🙂

  7. That third line ( …then it is not the end ) has kept me going through some really bad times. I’m glad to say that it has saved me too probably a few times when I was ready to give up.

    1. I heard that line in one of SRK’s interview about the failure and success of KKR in IPLs and it has stuck with me and it somehow has a soothing effect in turbulent times.

    1. My point exactly. The tomorrow was the twist in the story! I mean, after all the inspiration and pledges and positive thoughts… pushing them to tomorrow is just not right!

  8. Only if we could isolate our yesterdays from our todays and tomorrows, we could be happier and achieve more ! A wonderful pointer at inspiration, this one 🙂

  9. Yes, as truly is the famous song, “Aage bhi jane na tu, peeche bhi jane na tu. Jo bhi hai bas yahi ek pal hai” … so live in present and put your 100 % in it.

    Nice blog Shilpa!
    M loving it! 😉

    1. Hi Rinku. So good to see you here! Oh yes, that’s a lovely song and yes, it is all about living in the moment! Thanks, glad you like my space here 🙂

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