30 Odd Questions #BlogFest
Since the last couple of years, my blog is seeing a ritual of sorts. After the super hectic and exciting April AtoZ challenge, my blog
Since the last couple of years, my blog is seeing a ritual of sorts. After the super hectic and exciting April AtoZ challenge, my blog
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I’ve missed our chats over the past couple of months. Oh, I’ve missed lots of other blogging
Picture this… After a tiring day at work with a splitting headache, you board the evening train to go back home, to find your elderly
6 pm : I opened my laptop with the aim of writing a blog post. I have done just 3 posts this month and that’s
If we were having coffee, I’d wish you a cheery hello and ask you about your week. Hope you had a great week. Saturday is
If we were having coffee, I’d suggest that we walk to one of the cafes that are near our hotel here and select the one
If we were having coffee, I’d apologize for postponing our weekly tête-à-tête by a day. Yes, I was bushed yesterday! More about it later, first
If we were having coffee, I would ask you to meet me at my hotel restaurant and we’d sit in a corner which gives the