Things are as they are, not as they should be!

Passion #AtoZChallenge @AprilA2Z

My theme for this year’s Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is Cultivating Happiness. Today, P is for Passion.


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The hands of the clock were as lethargic as her mental state.

Endless meetings, needless paper-work numbed her.

The security and comfort of job overpowered till fate caught up with her.

And she beat it good with butter and sugar until enticing whispers of cookies, pies and cakes greeted and warmed her heart every day!

A Word to the Wise


Be passionate in your life. Engage in work that you love. Cultivate relationships that you are passionate about. Take up hobbies and activities with enthusiasm.Don’t wait for someone else or something else to ignite the flame of passion into your life. Go find it for yourself!

You can check out my A-Z posts thus far  by clicking  on a highlighted letter!


24 Responses

    1. Yeah, nobody else can find out what you are passionate about. It’s something that you have to do it in your own!

  1. My parents did what they thought they ‘had to’ in order to provide for our family, even when it meant they put aside things about which they were passionate. I honor their sacrifice; I just wish they had had a little more happiness in their lives.

    Sometimes we need to be ‘grounded’; and sometimes, we need to fly!

    1. Agree with you completely! Yes, in our parents’ times, doing what you love was not so common, it was all about providing for the family. I liked what you mentioned about sometimes being grounded and to fly sometimes. Wish we can find a perfect balance for that!

  2. True! Commercialising an art, any art, takes away a little magic from the art itself. Because now you are racing against the clock to meet deadlines, whereas earlier you could spend time leisurely, baking or writing.
    Amazing post Shilpa! It really brings out the real meaning of passion πŸ™‚

  3. Agreed and I believe in this fully Shilpa but I am also aware that many people do not have the luxury to indulge their passions. In that case they have to whip up a passion for whatever they do I guess πŸ™‚

  4. So very true, Shilpa. A passion is a necessity for me for I deal with so much stress during my working hours. The tale is bang on the target!

  5. We so get carried away by the ‘comfort’ of things. Fate does intervene at times, but sometimes it might be just too late.

    Loved how you start and end your posts.

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