Things are as they are, not as they should be!

M is for Misunderstandings

My theme for this year’s Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is Marriage from A to Z in 55 Words. M is for Misunderstandings in Marriage!

M is for Misunderstandings in Marriage

55 Fiction

Her lips quivered as tears rolled down her cheeks.

He wanted to leap forward and comfort her.

But then something stubborn inside, stopped him.

The silence stretched out between them.

They stared at each other, weighing the possibility of what could be happening to them.

All because he believed in HIS meaning of her words.

A Word to the Wise

It’s dreadful what little things lead people to misunderstand each other. – L.M. Montgomery.


Join me in enjoying blogs from fellow A to Zers Meena Menon, Monica Deshpande, Mary Hill, and Maggie. Do share some blog love with them too!

You can check out my A-Z posts thus far by clicking on a highlighted letter!


74 Responses

  1. I learned when my folks died not to sweat the small stuff because losing that person to death was a big deal. Once that happened everything that I had ever fought with them about was forgotten. It no longer mattered. All that mattered was how much I missed them and after a while…I only really remembered the good things. So when my husband and I fight I get my point across and then go on because when it all gets down to it, I love him and would die if I lost him. Lovely post and great advice! ♥

    1. That was such a great learning you are practicing in your life, Kathy! Hugs and stay blessed always 🙂 ♥

  2. We should all carry a pocket ego-cutter, it sure comes handy in all relationships. Loved the way you sent the message across Shilpa 🙂

  3. I love your end-pieces almost as much I love your 55ers Shilpa. You should convert your posts into a relationship handbook. This is such great advice. If only we could cut out our egos and follow our instincts fights would get sorted so much faster.

  4. And that is why communication is so important in a relationship. We should just let each other speak whatever is in our heart. Friendship before love and marriage – guess that’s the key phrase.

  5. Mmmm…. a very good eye-opener ! And a deep point to think about. Only if there was no misunderstanding, or only if that was solved, many relations would still be alive !

  6. There should be no space for ego in a relationship between a husband and a wife…Or else misunderstandings smother the love that is..Nicely written Shilpa..

  7. Misunderstanding is usually overrated and made into something much bigger than what it is………….. as the saying goes Khoda pahad nikla chooha…


  8. Misunderstandings cause a lot of heartache and pain to the couples’ and their egos don’t allow for admitting their mistakes. Lovely insight into yet another aspect of marriage.

  9. “All because he believed in his meaning of her words.” Very well said. The root cause of almost all misunderstandings. If only we can learn to not believe so blindly all our understandings of things…..

  10. I think misunderstanding and marriages go hand-in-hand. But it’s good to talk it out and sort out the differences. And after few years couples develop this tendency of (mis-) understanding each other without a word :mrgreen:

  11. And most of the times these misunderstandings stem from very minor issues. Like you pointed out, ego may be the culprit. Loved the quote you used.

  12. Oh so true… misunderstandings have literally ruined so many key relations in my life. Would have done anything in hindsight to right some wrongs on my part,..

  13. This is very true, Shilpa. The longest distance between two people is the one caused by misunderstanding. Excellently conveyed.

    And your shareaholic button is acting up again 🙁 Won’t let me tweet.

    1. Well said, Shailaja!
      I saw that… I guess, something is wrong with some posts. Twitter is working well with other posts, though!! Dont know how to sort it out! 🙁

  14. Wise words ” cut the ego, not the relationship”. Wish many divorced people knew this shilpa. This is the main reason for many marriages to crumble. Recently two of my co-residents who had been even voted the best jodi on new year, separated after a simple fight on jan 25.

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