Things are as they are, not as they should be!

N is for Nurturing

My theme for this yearโ€™s Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is Marriage from A to Z in 55 Words. N is for Nurturing Each Other in Marriage!

N is for Nurturing Each Other in Marriage

55 Fiction

Do you see that vegetable garden there?

Looks like nobody took care of it.

It has become overrun with weeds.

The insects have raided the place and destroyed the produce.

A good vegetable garden just doesn’t grows on its own.

It needs work.

It takes care and protection.

It needs nurturing.

Just like our marriage!

A Word to the Wise

If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently. You shield it and protect it. You never abuse it. You donโ€™t expose it to the elements. You donโ€™t make it common or ordinary. If it ever becomes tarnished, you lovingly polish it until it gleams like new. It becomes special because you have made it so, and it grows more beautiful and precious as time goes by.โ€•F. Burton Howard


Join me in enjoying blogs from fellow A to Zers Nabanita Dhar, Nisha Punjabi, Nibha Gupta and Nicole Pyles. Do share some blog love with them too!

You can check out my A-Z posts thus far by clicking on a highlighted letter!


42 Responses

  1. Shilpa, luckily when I looked in a thesaurus for synonyms of “wonderful” there was a lot from which I could choose. Because I’m sure you don’t want to hear your posts are “wonderful” all 26 times. My three favorite are “outstanding, phenomenal and sensational”. Actually, I could use a different synonym all 26 times, but not starting with each letter of the alphabet (to make your enjoyable posts!

    LuAnn Braley
    AJ’s Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
    Back Porchervations

  2. oh yes! I always say this – that we have worked very hard to reach the stage we have reached now in our marriage… its not always roses.. we have to deal with the thorns as well!

    Very well said Shilpa! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Wow ! This is beautiful. I love the way you’ve compared marriage to the garden. Very true, we need to de-weed and declutter the relationship and fertilise it with trust, love and respect, for it to grow ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Such wise words. There is no perfect marriage and no perfect spouse, when we consciously work towards a good and peaceful marriage only then it seems like a perfect life. ๐Ÿ™‚ Wonderful message Shilpa ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. A relationship dies a slow death if not nurtured periodically. Marriages are made in heaven but nurtured on Earth by the respective spouses ๐Ÿ™‚ Lovely post.

  6. So beautifully put across. Shilpa and nurturing is something that one should cultivate with care. The post brings so much positive and rejuvenated energy.

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